Motivation is what drives us to begin something that we need or want to accomplish. That could mean many things however. Motivation might drive us to take a class or learn to play an instrument. Motivation may drive us to stop smoking or redo a room in your house. Motivation to get and stay healthy both mentally and physically is a totally different animal all together. Finishing a book, painting a room or taking classes to learn something new all have one thing in common, they all have an end date. You can check them off your list when they are complete. Strength training, diet and good mental health are things that need your constant attention…forever, or as long as you want to live your life as close to 100% as possible. Granted, those 3 components mentioned require a lot of attention in the beginning and should become more of a habit as time goes on. They will however need constant tweaking.
Education is the key to success in most endeavors. You wouldn’t put together a wall unit without reading the instructions, although that probably doesn’t apply for a lot of men. You wouldn’t go on a trip to some place you have never been without a map or directions, again the male thing applies. So why would you think you could completely change your lifestyle and stick to something that is foreign to you without the knowledge of how to achieve that and more importantly sustain that. Hence the millions of people who have lost and gained weight their whole entire lives, for most people the same 20 pounds. We will have more on that in the why diets don’t work page. You could do a search and come up with millions of menus and workout programs to follow on your own, for some reason that just doesn’t seem to work for most people. What we have tried to incorporate at Results Online Fitness is the human element to achieving and sustaining long term results by offering our clients, well, the human element. We do offer a great wealth of knowledge if you are self motivated and just need the nuts and bolts but we also offer the psychological help that a lot of people require to figure out where they have gone wrong in the past and how to correct those bad habits so that you don’t repeat the same patterns that lead you to where you are right now!