My name is David Sherman. I have been in the personal training business for 15 years. What first inspired me to getting into this industry was when I was working in operating rooms doing cell saver(auto transfusion). I watched an overweight man undergo heart surgery. The Dr. removed layers of fat that were sitting on top of his heart, worked on the heart and then put the fat back on top and closed him up. I have always know that excess fat is dangerous in the body but never actually saw it up close and personal on the heart itself. It was then that I developed a theory that we are only allotted so many heartbeats in a lifetime. If you are carrying extra weight or you are out of shape your resting heartrate might be 85 or 90 beats per minute. A person who is physically fit and lower body fat may have a resting heartrate of 60 beats per minute. Can you guess which person will run out of heart beats first? You also do not see a lot of people who are extremely obese over 65 or 70 years old. Its not that they magically drop 60 pounds on their 65th birthday when they apply for social security. They have probably passed away. The heart can not take that kind of punishment.
I received my bachelors in Science from Florida State University in rehabilitation services, This is where my training started in the social services learning how to connect with people and develop a great sense of empathy for people. Realizing that therapy as it relates to human behaviour and making serious changes in your life can not be successfully achieved with a cookie cutter approach. What drives success is understanding why we have failed. I have carried this philosophy throughout my career and attribute it to my success. The teaching and explanation aspect of changing human behaviour is crucial. When we understand why we are eating this way or doing these specific exercises, you are much more likely to do it and stick with it. I have furthered my education in this area by becoming a Life Coach. Life Coaching is a fantastic way getting inside someones head even if it’s a short trip just to figure out the reasons why a person has developed some of the behaviors that are causing them to continue to lack success with losing and sustaining weight loss. After all, how can you change poor self destructive behavior if you don’t first recognize it. Now I do realize that this, for our purposes, will be done through email and skype and possibly the phone. However I am positive that we can accomplish what we need to if you are willing. All this being said, some of you will just need some guidance on diet and exercise and not the Life Coaching. That is fine too, but know that there is more support if you need it.
I first got into Personal Training mainly because I experienced what training did for me first hand. I grew up that 98lb weakling with no self esteem and confidence. Through exercise and building my body, I become a toatally different person both physically and mentally. First you see yourself differently which builds confidence and then other people will see you differently. I started training at an all female gym and witnessed first hand the nightmare that is eating disorders. I worked closely counseling women on causes and effects of them and the way to overcome it. Poor body image is a scary thing. I became certified with the American Council on Exercise and changed my career and never looked back. Through my fifeteen years in the business, I have taken countless seminars and continued my education. I have also became a Nutrition Specialist along the way. I believe 100% that the way to change someones habits and negative behaviors is through providing knowledge, motivation and inspiration and a touch of life coaching to determine the best course of action for each unique individual.
In my career I have trained just about every form of athlete, from the 7 year old ice skater to retired pro football player with the broken down body. I have worked with a 10 year old with rheumatoid arthritis, 90 year olds in wheel chairs, people rehabbing broken backs and other serious injuries. A majority of the people I work with however are clients who average people with minor aches and pains who are just tired of felling the way that they do. They have let themselves go and need inspiration. That is what I believe I can offer with confidence. The exercise and nutrition knowledge to get you the results you need and the motivation and inspiration to sustain those results once you get them.
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